Product Review: Irwin 15-9LN Vise Grip 2-7/8-Inch Jaw Capacity 9-Inch Long Nose Pliers with Wire Cutter

 5.0 out of 5 starsSimple, durable and essential locking pliers useful for projects and repairs.

These Irwin Vise-Grip locking pliers or commonly known by the brand name Vise-Grip function like ordinary pliers but also as a wrench or welding clamp. The grip is extremely strong and works well to remove stubborn nails or fence staples. The long, straight nose is great for precision work and the guarded trigger release and hardened teeth is great when working in narrow spaces, twisting, turning or clamping. The pliers stay securely locked as long as needed and then are easily released with just a touch.  There is a turn-screw fine-tunes pressure to fit work and stay adjusted for repeated use.  The pliers measure 9" with a jaw adjustment up to 2 7/8"; the jaws themselves are right about 1/8” wide and the wire cutter is a handy touch.  Overall an impressive and very functional go-to hand tool.